Brown Owl brings you organically certified foods and sustainable living products, supporting local and New Zealand growers and makers as much as possible.
In 2010 we began as a co-operative, with members benefitting from the club’s bulk buying power. Brown Owl remains a not-for-profit and now anyone can enjoy the convenience of shopping at our retail store, where members receive a discount on most items we sell. See more Food Club benefits.
Brown Owl's mission is to enhance the health and wellbeing of Rotorua’s community by providing affordable and nutritious organic food.
Are you planning to tie the knot in the picturesque city of Rotorua or it's beautiful surroundings? Look no further! Former Brown Owl Committee Secretary Johnelle Hosking, a highly experienced event coordinator, MC and now dedicated independent marriage celebrant, is here to make your wedding dreams come true.
Empowering you to live well. Integrative lifestyle programmes & residential retreats supporting people and their whanau affected by a cancer diagnosis. See their services here