An exciting series of half-day workshops with Glenys of In The Zone Healing

Glenys gives regular workshops and talks on Energy Medicine. Topics include how to overcome stress and anxiety, and how to improve sleep and regain your energy. These events include very practical tools and techniques that will help you in your everyday life.
Workshop 1 – From Stress & Anxiety to Ease & Calm
Sat 23 March – closed (enquire for future dates)
Workshop 2 – From Chronic Tiredness to Get Up and Go
Sat 20 April
In this workshop you will explore how using practices that are non-invasive, easy-to-learn and powerfully effective can align the body's natural energies to ensure they are in balance and harmony.
You will also learn how blockages and out-of-balance energy flows can lead to many adverse physical symptoms, including tiredness and fatigue, and that realigning these energies then resolves these issues in the physical body.
Workshop 3 – Develop Intuition and Live with More Joy
Sat 25 May
Find out how Energy Medicine can help you become more aligned with your soul purpose so you live the life of your dreams. Learn powerfully effective techniques that you can practise at home to align the body's natural energies so you tune into your inner guidance and experience more balance, harmony and joy.
In this workshop you'll learn practical techniques to help you:
- Feel more energised and alive during the day
- Relax and wind down for better sleep
- Cope with the rapid changes of 21st-century living
- Get clear on your goals to create a more fulfilling life.
Handouts of the techniques will be provided, so you can practise the techniques at home.
Venue for all workshops: Kaharoa Hall
Cost: $45; students $35 Book all 3 workshops: $120
More info: Glenys 027 207 6412